Dropping knowledge bombs on the couch. Is nice. He like.
Mark is in town to speak at Inverge.
Mark's fanboy story: Xmas in Amsterdam, freezing street. Mark and a friend are walking the streets and out of a door behind them emerges Henry Rollins. In a t-shirt and shorts. With a bottle of water and a loaf of bread. A LOAF OF BREAD. And it's cold, mind you. And they go "Hey, Henry!" and Rollins comes over to talk. And Mark and his friend are big Rollins fans. Mark can tell you the story of his own tattoo, but his friend had a Black Flag album cover tattooed on his back. So there in the street, they all strip down to show tattoos.
Henry is so cool. And sensitive.
Mark's latest book with Polity Press is MediaWorks, a series of interviews with media folks around the world talking about the transformation of their business. I'm haven't read it yet, but I know I like it because it has a cover with a pipe wrench. Not a crescent wrench. Not a socket wrench. A pipe wrench. And the best way to judge a book, is, well, you know.