I posted a rambling diatribe railing against the notion of "holistic" marketing. And how I think that term, and the idea behind (hunting down consumers and wrapping them in a warm cocoon of advertising wherever and whenever) is stupid and misguided.
But I left out my point. Which was:
In the discussion rich, information heavy land of technologically enabled social extension and self-actualization (reductively and irritatingly referred to as web 2.0), brands need to think more like services, and less like advertisers. Think less about immersing people in crap (wall-to-wall ads) and more about how to create (real) value for people from their interaction with your products and brand experiences.
How do you (Mr and Ms. Brand) bring joy, entertain or improve me?
How do I get you to join my team, not how do I crush your will to resist my messaging.
'How do I help you', not 'how do I hit you'.