My tweetdeck was an audio machine gun of alert bleeps and blorps when a co-worker stuck their head in and asked "how can you get any work down with that thing distracting you all the time?"
And I would have answered, but another alert went off about @marshallk blogging that he was "Sitting at the bar & talking to random people about ppl getting out of prison".
It was a random tweet from my self-inflicted data firehose, but in spite of having partially proved my co-worker's point, it reinforced mine as well.
We are only as good as our networks.
While Kurzweil predicts humanity's obsolescence at the hands of the Singularity, I see people connecting faster to each other than ever before, becoming a world-spanning ultra-connected network of emotion, inspiration, and stupid cat tricks.
Sure @marshallk is at the bar, but we are available to each other. Human potential that can be unlocked by technology-enabled contact.
The quantity of skype, twitter, and FB links are not overwhelming - they make me better at my job.
You run on lily pads because if you stop, you sink.
Your network is your bridge over troubled water. And no one can afford to be a rock/or an island.
I was fired yesterday, after only 4 days on the job, precisely because of this concept. Every employee of this stringent company is required to run on lily pads, the ultimate goal being that the entire company can run on lily pads as a single unit. And apparently, slipping on a lily pad is grounds for termination...
Four days... a new personal record.
Posted by: kdr | 2010.05.07 at 15:34
Running on lily pads means no time to stop and smell the roses.
Posted by: Syl | 2010.03.08 at 19:23